Saturday 14 June 2008


The Bible makes it very clear that we are to send the angels out to fight for us, for they have much more power than us mere mortals. For all the problems that we face are orchestrated by the evil unseen principalities and powers, which seeks constantly to destroy us.

The Lord said to me, “ that one of His angels has enough power to deal with all my troubles,” and yet He assures me that He has multitudes ready to swing into action on our behalf, when we give the command for them to fight. Have you commanded them today to fight for you?

The Lord recently has spoken to me, and said, “Where my angels are, there is my presence.” He said angels must fight the powers of darkness, man cannot defeat such powers, angels will rescue you from all evil.

Never ask an angel for help ,never pray to them, never seek to converse with them, unless they speak to you a message that has been given to them by our Lord. Angels are servants of God and His children. God has provided strength for us by these angelic beings.

When Christ was on this earth in His human form He needed strength, just like we do today, and God sent one of His angels to strengthen Him. So that He could obtain salvation for us.

When you need strength, then command angels to bring you strength from your heavenly Father, in fact you can command angels to bring anything that you have asked your Father for. For example, health, wealth, deliverance, peace, etc.

Now, some people are very confused about pictures or statues of angels, thinking that it is forbidden in the Bible to look upon such things, but in fact what the Bible says is that we must not bow down and worship images. For these visual aids actually help us to see that there is more to this world than the physical realm.

Bible tells us that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. So, we must use the angelic powers from God, to deal with these unseen powers by commanding angels.

I hope that you use these spiritual warfare secrets that the Lord has shown me. Once you begin to enter this realm of believing there is no going back, you must send angels out every day, to fight the evil spirits of infirmities, which is sickness and disease, the spirit of uncleanliness, which is the evil lusts, in mind and deed.

The spirit of poverty, which are evil attacks on your finances, and anything else that you could possibly think of where you need help.

Most important of all, every day we must repent, and live in the victory, that Christ Jesus has saved us.

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