Thursday 12 June 2008


“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? {Hebrews 1: 14}.

Yes, angels play a great part in helping Christians to live in this world; The Lord showed me in a dream vision on how to command angels to make life easier. I was walking in a beautiful garden with God our heavenly Father, He was very tall, I could not see His face but I knew that it was God. He said to me, “Angels must be sent out with the voice of authority”. He showed me many butterflies in His beautiful garden, and He said, “Tell them to go”. So I said, “go”, just a few took off.

Then He said, “ This is not the way”, and He put one of His hands behind Him, and then brought it forward forcefully with the voice of authority, and said “ GO”, and a great multitude which could not be numbered took off, then He raised His other hand and repeated, “GO”, another great multitude took flight. Still He was not finished, then He raised both hands

behind His head, then bringing them forward with such force and with a mighty voice of authority, He said, “GO”, and all you could see was butterflies filling the air.

He then turned to me and said, “This is how you must send my angels out before you with the voice of authority”. Many times I have sent these angelic beings out with the voice of authority, commanding them to go in the mighty name of Jesus, and they have never failed to obey, no matter how big or small the task might be, let us always remember that we have a great heavenly host ready to go into action in and through the mighty name of Jesus.

So you see angels are to minister, yes serve us, for we are the heirs of salvation, the chosen ones, and we are to send them forth as the Bible says in {Hebrews 1 v 14}.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw an angel last night and asked God what it meant. It was a winged angel and it was flapping its wings. The Lord lead me to this blog and in reading it he gave me a revelation that it was His angel retrieving the promises of God that I have been speaking out for over 2 months concerning my family's finances. Praise GOD!!! Thank you for you ministry!