Angels are subject unto you, that means they are to obey your orders when you tell them to retrieve the promises of God. Also they are to be used to attack spiritual and earthly problems that afflict you in your life. But they will only obey you, if you are a child of God, for then you have the authority to use the name of Jesus.
Now, Jesus said that the spirits are subject unto you, in St Luke 10v20, “ notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you”. Jesus was speaking of evil spirits at that time. But we also know that He meant angel spirits, for it is written in Hebrews 1v7, “ and of the angels He saith, Who maketh His angels spirits.”
Now the evil spirits will not obey you, because they are evil. We can see this in the example of where the disciples tried to cast out an evil spirit, which refused to go, then they had to go to Jesus for Him to cast out the demon.
Now angel spirits are very good and obedient to God’s Word. They know that Jesus has made them subject unto us and so they will always obey us. For they were created to obey and glorify Christ.
Angels Everywhere
Oh, if we could only see into the unseen world, then we would not be so fearful of this life. Elisha the prophet of God prayed for his servant that God would open his eyes, and when his servant saw the heavens full of chariots of fire he was no longer afraid.
Many years ago there was a lady in a little Pentecostal Church in Cornwall who was afraid of living alone in her flat, so when Diane and I took her home after Church, we prayed for angels all around her flat, and in every room and cupboard. Her faith rose up in her so much, it was as if she saw angels everywhere, and all fear and loneliness left her. Oh, if only we would believe.
“The angel of the Lord encampeth around about them that fear Him, and delivereth the,” {Psalm 34 v 7}. Praise the Lord!
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